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Objective: Clean and breathable air is key to living a healthy and high-quality life.


Clean and breathable air is key to living a healthy and high-quality life. Campaign with a series on activation showcasing the same 

Installed an air purifier inside a tiny space that has been set up in the mall. Decorated with a chair, table, and some plants to make it appear warm and welcoming. with a guy inside the room doing something relaxing like reading a book or listening to music. Signage and branding to make it clear that this is a promotion for air purifiers.

Converting a bus stand into a room with an air purifier can be an innovative way to showcase the benefits of clean air and promote the use of air purifiers.

Setup: Choose a bus stand that is easily accessible and has high foot traffic. Clean and transform the area to look like a cozy and comfortable room. Place chairs, tables, and plants to make the area look inviting. Install an air purifier in the room and decorate the space with branding and messaging related to the benefits of clean air.

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