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UI/UX Design

Charity Website Home Page Final Mockup.JPEG.jpg

Donation Web UI Design

HopeBox is the mostconvenient and simple optionfor you to donate those goodsthat are gathering dust in acorner of your home andtaking up valuable space. 

Image by Windows

Take a break App for team building, social engagement and onboarding. Provide tools for celebrating accomplishments and creating unique culture. Includes shoutouts, games, peer recognition, bonuses and 3 paid leaves.


The Farm Organic Grocery Web Design

​Fresh, locally-grown and organic produce is no longer a privilege of those with time on their hands; you can have tasty goodness delivered to your door within the day, with The Farm.

Holding Paw

Our app called Paw Buddies connects dog owners with trustworthy neighborhood residents who would love to care for their dogs when the owners are away.

Car Clap

Poparide Carpooling App UX Research

The goal of this research report is to highlight the major challenges that users face while using the carpooling app called ‘Poparide’ and provide recommendations to address them.

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