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Aveeno: Partake of Nature's Beauty

About Campaign: Create an integrated advertising campaign with 3 print-based ads for traditional media, 6 screen layouts for digital media, and a visual narrative of a physical user experience.


Campaign Idea & Insight: Our bodies are part of the flora and fauna of the Earth, so we should respect our skin the way we do our planet.

Appreciate the true beauty of our skin just as we appreciate the beauty of the Earth.

The campaign dedicated to highlighting the beauty of nature and the benefits of natural products like Aveeno. Using a design language that is inspired by nature and conveys a sense of purity and calmness is an excellent way to reinforce the message of the campaign.

Website Landing Page.jpg

Website landing page Design

Aveeno Instagram post 1.jpg
Aveeno Instagram post 1 option.jpg

Social Media Post Design

Aveeno poster 2.jpg
poster mockup1.jpg

Billboard Design

Magazine Mockup.jpg

Social Media Post Design

Website Page.jpg
Aveeno Emailer.jpg

Emailer Design

Website landing Page

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